
Parse PUS-type packets and interprete them using an SCOS-2000 database.

You can find the documentation here.


This python packet depends on pyscos2000.


To install scospus you will have to clone the repository and install it like this:

git clone
pip install ./scospus

In case you want to actually modify this library be sure to clone the repository through ssh and install it in a way that’ll allow you to build the documentation, too:

git clone
pip install -e ./scospus[docs]


Simple example of how to parse a dds file:

from pyscos2000 import SCOS
from scospus import PUSType
from import DDSReader

# point this to the folder with your .dat files of the SCOS database
scos = SCOS('./mib/ASCII')

# you can select parameters by description:
myparam = [pcf['PCF_NAME'].value
           for pcf in scos.pcf.rows
           if pcf['PCF_DESCR'].value == 'my parameter']
myparam = myparam[0]

for ddspacket in DDSReader(''):
    puspacket = ddspacket.payload
    assert puspacket.crc_ok()

    packet = puspacket.interprete(scos)

    if packet.pus.type != PUSType.TELEMETRY:
        # not just for show: currently no support for telecommands

    print(ddspacket.timestamp, puspacket.timestamp, packet.apid,['PID_DESCR'].value)
    for param in packet:
        print(f' {param.description} ({}): {param.eng} ({param.hex})')

    # or access the parameters directly by name
    print('   ', packet[myparam].eng)

Uncertain source files

If you don’t know what data file you’re looking at, you might want to give scospus.guess_reader a shot: it’ll try to extract one packet from the source file using each available reader and returns the type of reader that wasn’t useless:

import scospus

reader = scospus.guess_reader(my_file)
if reader is None:
    print("No idea")
    for packet in reader(my_file):
        # the usual

Timestamp correction / epoch handling

The epoch is assumed to be 1970-01-01, but you can set it to whatever your epoch is. In the example the epoch is set to 1992-04-13 11:16:05 (because why not):

import datetime

import scospus.pus

scospus.pus.EPOCH = datetime.datetime(1992, 4, 13, 11, 16, 5)



API reference

Indices and tables